Member Benefits

Reduced Premiums
ASDAWEST’s commitment to the prevention of losses through education and safety management practices that are rewarded with lower than average premiums.

Individual members are rated based on their own loss experience and risk characteristics.

Education & Safety
Seminars will be presented at membership meetings. Topics will include a variety of risk control issues, safety programs, and other topics related to the construction industry.

Specialized Coverages
ASDAWEST members receive coverages developed exclusively for them by the Program Director, Program Administrator, Members, and Partnering Insurers.

Economic Alliance
Group purchasing opportunities, such as human resources, employee benefits, equipment, financial services, and outside consulting.

Control & Influence of Services
Claims administration and loss control services can be outsourced as needed. Service providers are selected based on specific needs and expertise.

Working together for shared ideas and proactively seeking solutions.

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