Employers’ Guide to Cal-OSHA Inspections

Posted on: September 9th, 2019

September 24, 2019

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Redwood Room
8950 Cal Center Dr., Bldg 3, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95826


Cal-OSHA penalties can reach up to $124,709 for a single willful or repeat violation. Citations can quickly add up if there are no proactive measures to eliminate and reduce liability.

  • Are you Cal-OSHA compliant?
  • Are you prepared to avoid potential citations?


Prepare your organization for an unexpected visit from Cal-OSHA Enforcement by understanding your rights and how to properly exercise them prior to, during, and after Cal-OSHA inspections. Learn the ins and outs when it comes to dealing with Cal-OSHA Enforcement.

Should you correct issues on the spot? Should you take notes during the walk through? Should you take photos during the walk through? Can you ask them to reschedule?

This class strives to help employers prepare for a Cal-OSHA visit with the end goal of minimizing Cal-OSHA liabilities.

***Session Full***