4th Quarter Employers’ School – Sacramento
Posted on: January 23rd, 2014October 30, 2014
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.Basement Cafe
3636 American River Drive
Sacramento, CA 95864
Topic – Management Liability Exposures & Coverages
In today’s complex business environment, executives at privately held companies face significant management liability exposures – from the way they run their operations, store sensitive information, implement employment practices, and oversee key accounting and finance positions.
In 2012, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) received 99,412 charges of employment discrimination, the third straight year with nearly 100,000 charges filed. What’s more, the EEOC regained a record $365,400,000 in monetary recovery against private sector and state and local government employers during the fiscal year.
Our presentation will explain the exposures of Directors & Officers and Employment Practices liability. We will focus on why it is important to be proactive about protecting your business from the staggering costs associated with management and employment-related claims and having comprehensive insurance coverages in place.
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