3rd Quarter Employers School – Redding
Posted on: December 19th, 2016July 18, 2017
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.McConnell Foundation
800 Shasta View Drive
Redding, CA 96003
Topic – Guide to the Cal/OSHA Inspection Process
Presented by Scott Pitman, Risk Manager, InterWest Insurance Services
This informational session will start with “Successfully Navigating a Cal/OSHA Enforcement Inspection” followed by “A Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding the Citation and Appeals Process,” presented by a Risk Management specialist with over 19 years of experience.
The intent is to give employers an inside look at the inner workings of Cal/OSHA enforcement, educate them on the stages of the inspection process, and inform them on the intricacies of the citation and appeal process. During each of the interactive discussions, attendees will have an opportunity to engage in real-life driven scenarios. At the end of the presentation, employers should know what to expect from a Cal/OSHA Interaction, feel prepared for a Cal/OSHA inspection, and be confident in their ability to navigate the entire process.
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