1st Quarter Employers School – Sacramento
Posted on: December 19th, 2016February 9, 2017
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.Basement Cafe
3636 American River Drive
Sacramento, CA 95864
New Issues in the New Year – Employee Problems That May Arise in 2017
Presented by Holden Law Group
This presentation will highlight new legislation pertinent to employers in 2017. Our focus will be on procedures that should be implemented to address accidents and incidents in the workplace. We will provide guidance on the steps to be taken following an accident or incident, when discipline should be administered and what documentation should be utilized. As always, ample time will be provided for questions and answers.
Will your recordkeeping practices make you an OSHA target?
Presented by InterWest Insurance Services
This presentation will clarify what is required for employers to meet the Cal/OSHA recordkeeping regulatory requirement standards. It will include information on the OSHA 300 log population & retention, the difference between recordable and reportable injuries, as well as first aid injuries and injuries that need to be recorded as medical treatment. There will also be an overview of the new Electronic Recordkeeping rule signed into law May 11, 2016 at the Federal level.
***Session Closed***