Health Care Captives – WEBINAR

Posted on: September 22nd, 2020

October 20, 2020

10:00 am – 11:00 am PST

Topic – Health Care Captives – A Risk Sharing Approach to Controlling Medical Costs


Business Owners, HR Professionals, CFOs, Finance Professionals


The employer health insurance marketplace is continuing to change and may never be the same once we get through the COVID-19 pandemic. Join InterWest and Pareto Captive Services as we discuss how self-insurance and health insurance captives present a great opportunity to flat line costs and restore stability to your balance sheet.

As the fully-insured market begins to harden, so does the self-insured market, and the added layer of protection from the captive may be the difference between constant increases and a more proactive management of your health insurance spend.


Shawn Sanford, Regional Vice President, Pareto Captive Services, LLC

Pareto Captive Services forms and manages employee benefit group captives. They offer access to existing group captives or create new ones for employer groups while working with employers to develop and execute a multi-year business plan to take control of their employee benefits while limiting their volatility.

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